Thursday, 30 May 2013

When God Says Go Have You Ever Thought Who Am I ?

When God Says Go Have You Ever Thought Who Am I ?
 Exodus 3:11 And Moses said unto God, Who am I , that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?

    WHO AM I ? Have you ever been in a situation that you felt, or knew God was telling you to do something or to go somewhere, and you thought "why me" "Who am I" So and so should be doing it or is more capable, why send me Lord, that's impossible I can't do that........

     Well then you can relate to Moses, when he asked God "Who Am I" now as we read in Exodus the third chapter we see God telling Moses that he will be the one to lead Gods people out of Egypt. Moses being a man who looked at himself humbly as if he is no one special. But God saw a leader that He has chosen to go to Egypt and lead Gods people to freedom. And to top things off we see in chapter 4  of Exodus that Moses struggled with the idea, as he was looking at himself and his short comings but God supplied on each attempt to convince God he wasn't able, he had doubt that people would believe that God sent him God supplied a staff to do miracles he said I am slow at speech, God supplied a mouth piece and sent Aaron with him. Moses on his own could not do the job but Moses going as God leads him as he obeys God gets the job done. You see God does the work we just need to be willing to be used by Him. Moses felt he wasn't capable of doingthetask that  the Lord has put before him, in Moses eyes it seemed impossible. Isn't that so "US" often we seem to think the same, "WHO AM I" God never gives unto us anything too much for us to bear even to us if it seems impossible with God all things are possible.......God will always provide. God assured Moses that He would be with him, even showed him signs and wonders through examples with the Rod God gave him, giving Moses confidence that God was with him. All God wants us to be is willing and trusting and go in obedience then God will do the impossible God will do the un-doable. Think when they were being chased by Phoroahs army and all they seen was a huge body of what...... were they trapped......? In the mind of one of no faith it may have seemed that way, but with God He made a way. We see through exodus times where Moses used the staff to perform miracles, and one of the biggest ones that stick out is what I had mentioned earliertheparting of the red sea as Phoroah's army was chasing them they ran through the path on dry land as God parted the sea and got to the other side as they watched the sea come down and take out the army as God closed the sea upon them.

      Today God has tasks for us, at times we think it is just too much, there's just no way we can't do it, questions in our own mind will flop around thoughts will challenge us and bring doubt,..... I'm not where I should be with God..... why me and not someone else......... who am I...... I ain't nobody special.... I don't have what it takes to complete the task..... But remember God does not bring us to it unless He plans to bring us through it, scriptures tells us that we can do ALL things through Christ Jesus whom strengthens us. God has given us the Holy Ghost which enables us POWER , we become the vessels of God to work through. All He asks of us to do our part which is be willing, trust Him and obey and He will do the rest, no matter what .... know that ALL things are possible to them that believe.

    I would like to share with you a situation that really happened about 7 years ago, a kid was hit by a car there was blood everywhere, and the child was pronounced dead at the scene by the paramedics. Near by there was a man who is spirit filled living in obedience to the Lord, God told him to go lay his hands upon the boy God told him He was wants to heal the boy, so in obedience the man obeyed and went over, people were looking labeling this man as nuts and many others were saying things like who does he think he is........ whats he think he's gonna the man walks to him and layed his hand on the boy and began to pray......people scoffed hearing the man say in the name of Jesus arise and be healed in Jesus name death I command you to go. As people's mocks became suddenly amazed as they watched the boy come back to life not only he came back to life his injury that were evident was no longer there the blood that was on the boy and the road was gone.God still does miracles today, and as that man obeyed it wasn't him who healed the boy it  was the Power of God but all the man had to do was be willing to be the vessel for God to work through.
WOW .....and that is a true story that how great God is.Think of the hurdles this man had knowing this boy was dead but trusted God even though people mocked him labeled him he still did what God told him to do. If only we all would listen to God when he tells us to go. The scripture says signs and wonders will follow them who truly believe. You see this man was just an ordinary man but he knew God and lived His Word and held onto Gods promises.  
Acts 1:8   But ye shall receive power , after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both inJerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. 
 Luke 10:19  Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy : and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 
Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover .  
John 14:20 Jesus tells us Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he doalso; and g reater works than these shall he do ; because I go unto my Father.
  When we look at the life of Jesus, and see what miracles He performed and yet Jesus says greater works then these, God wants to do amazing things through His people for His Glory.....

   All things are possible to them that believe,( Matthew 19:26 ) if you are a child of God and have allowed the Holy Ghost to be activated in your life you are more then a conqueror.( Romans 8:37     God has equipped us with the Holy Ghost He has equipped His church with the spiritual gifts ( 1 Corinthians 12 ) to enable and to edify the church to move forward in POWER, we need to grasp that God is with us and when He is with us who can be against us( Romans 8:31 ) .....satan? he is under our feet( Romans 16:20 )he has no hold nor power over us,( Luke 10:19 )we need to realize the POWER God has instilled within us for His purpose and for His use. Catch what I am saying who are you.........Who am I ? we are a child of the King we are more then a conqueror........ we have royal blood flowing through our veins...... the devil is under our feet......... we can do all things through Christ Jesus whom strengthens us...... greater is HE who is in us then he thats in theworld......the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church of God.
   Grasp the reality of who you are in Jesus. So the answer that we sometimes ask ourselves when God lays a task before us Who am I.......... Your a child of God, and all things are possible to them that believe. Stand and grab onto the reality of who you are. No longer walk as your defeated....... no longer act as if satan has power over you......... Get into the word study it apply it live it know it and be obedient. The word tells us if we draw closer to God then God draws closer to us. God Bless become all you can be for God.
 Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Truth Hurts........The Gospel is Offensive To Many Even Some Christians.....

what a world we live in where the world gets offended when one speaks the Gospel and shares Jesus......but yet who cares about offending the Christians...society has got so concerned and worried about offending people when it comes to religion but yet what do they do ....they allow other religions but yet not Christianity....... Its ok to preach and share a Buddhist belief, its ok to preach and teach Islam beleafs its ok to teach our kids nihilism, but we can`t share Christianity it will offend the other religions...... it seems to be ok to teach eastern religions and new age garbage , its ok to say God isnt long as its anything  but the Truth because when one shares the Truth we long as we don't preach or teach Jesus of the bible, but if we do we're being even some try and quote scripture not to offend our brother......well I`m sorry if you preach another Gospel and praise a man made God with some false religion your not my brother or sister in Christ now are NO I WILL STILL PREACH the Gospel.... society has turned so far away from God and then the world sits there wondering why there is sooooo much chaos in the world....

  Well guess what the Gospel is offensive...... because people want to live in a world of pleasure a world that has no rights or wrongs......they want to do what they want to do regardless what the Bible says.........hence why many churches just preach the `feel good sermons`watered down Gospel.....some go on saying because God is a loving and a merciful God, He won't allow anyone to go to hell..... then they even quote scriptures out of context and pick a select few to grab onto to justify their actions......but yet ignore the rest of the Bible..... Well the thing is Its not what we say is right and wrong its what God says is right and wrong!!!!

   If I offend you because I preach Jesus, and share the Gospel well its like this .....people who say there is no God offends us as Christians people who says the Bible is just a book offends us as Christians, people who use the name of Jesus as a curse word offends us as Christians....people who dis obey the Bible offends Jesus..... people who worship another God other then God.....offends God ......One thing  I've come to know is people will be people and like it or not that's just the way some is. They rather please them selves and others but not God, and they will state what they think about us as Christians and persecute us and even kill Christians  and tell others all about their belief........... And just like them I won't shut up either I will Keep preaching and serving Jesus.......Jesus is the way not any other way if your told there are other ways you have been lied to...I live I preach and I love Jesus, the message He shared with the world I will share as well and do as Jesus says preach the Gospel, some of you will say well thats the truth for you but it doesn't mean its the truth to someone else........THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY AND ITS FOUND IN THE BIBLE! JESUS IS THE WAY, you cant get to heaven any other way...... and The Bible is Gods Word, the very book we are all judged by......and we need to obey it living in Gods way............ Know the truth and allow the Truth to set you free!

   We are in the day that there is many people who scoff and mock them who preach the Gospel, many nay sayers saying things such as the Bible is just a book......well like it or not the Bible is the LIVING Word, its the very book all will be judged by so you can mock you can scoff you can oppose the Bible and choose to dis obey Gods way but in the end you will wish you listened you will see that the few that tryed to tell you weren't nuts, you will see face to face the very God you said don't exist
but then ...then it will be too late....Today is the day of Salvation....Repent from your sins turn to God and obey His Word while we are still in the time of Our Gods Grace.....there will be a time His Grace and mercy will turn to wrath.....

Saturday, 11 May 2013

No Time Too ........Reality You would Rather do Other Things

some people say they don't have time to pray, or do family devotions, read and study Bible.......mean while they do seem to make time for the things they want to.....(we are all guilty time to time) If people can make time for their own desires, or wants........but yet can't seem to set time aside for God, its not that they don't have the time as they fooled themselves of thinking...where it comes to is the fact they just don't want to, they rather do other things .....but yet its all about how we measure importance and priority's....... those things that are important to us......We will always somehow make it happen!!

......... so really its not that they dont have the time to pray , seek Gods face, church, study Gods Word.........its because its not held as a priority, its not as important to them, they say it is they say they want to.....use the excuse of time or what ever any excuses they choose..... in reality its not important to them for if it was guess what the time would be made to spend with God....... Jesus wants more then just one day a week...... And of coarse satan will always make up something to keep your mind off of the things of God...... too many people are to busy eatting from their own lust and the food satan gives them that they seem too busy to taste and see that the LORD is good. All people need to do is make the time to study, pray, etc. its hard to start because satan don't want people to build their relationship with God.....but once you get over the hurdles it becomes easier.... Trust me it does.....

    The key is just do it.....we love the pressence of God when we are in it that we never want to leave it....but yet it seems to take sooooo much to get going..... so many seems to look at the very things that brings the joy of the Lord but satan has tricked minds of people and made it look like chores.....But if you Love God and the things of God then its wouldn't seem that way........ you would be itching to get away to spend time with The this is now how I start my day I thank God for another day and I tell the devil back off get out of the way I will do as the LORD wants me to do and then come against every thing satan has planned for me then I continue thanking the Lord......... I also come against the desires of my flesh and command it to be inline with Gods will..... We need to make our time with God a Priority, when we do even when things go wrong we can handle it a lot better being in the mind set of God... I get in the enemies face and lethim know I am a child of the KING. Just in case he seemed to of satan has NO POWER over a child of God........ the only power satan has in ones life is what the person allows him to do........

Luke 10:19 tells me that We who know Jesus not know about but have a true relationship with Him....... God has given us POWER over ALL the enemy.

Got sooo much more I can get into here but got things to do...God Bless