Saturday, 11 May 2013

No Time Too ........Reality You would Rather do Other Things

some people say they don't have time to pray, or do family devotions, read and study Bible.......mean while they do seem to make time for the things they want to.....(we are all guilty time to time) If people can make time for their own desires, or wants........but yet can't seem to set time aside for God, its not that they don't have the time as they fooled themselves of thinking...where it comes to is the fact they just don't want to, they rather do other things .....but yet its all about how we measure importance and priority's....... those things that are important to us......We will always somehow make it happen!!

......... so really its not that they dont have the time to pray , seek Gods face, church, study Gods Word.........its because its not held as a priority, its not as important to them, they say it is they say they want to.....use the excuse of time or what ever any excuses they choose..... in reality its not important to them for if it was guess what the time would be made to spend with God....... Jesus wants more then just one day a week...... And of coarse satan will always make up something to keep your mind off of the things of God...... too many people are to busy eatting from their own lust and the food satan gives them that they seem too busy to taste and see that the LORD is good. All people need to do is make the time to study, pray, etc. its hard to start because satan don't want people to build their relationship with God.....but once you get over the hurdles it becomes easier.... Trust me it does.....

    The key is just do it.....we love the pressence of God when we are in it that we never want to leave it....but yet it seems to take sooooo much to get going..... so many seems to look at the very things that brings the joy of the Lord but satan has tricked minds of people and made it look like chores.....But if you Love God and the things of God then its wouldn't seem that way........ you would be itching to get away to spend time with The this is now how I start my day I thank God for another day and I tell the devil back off get out of the way I will do as the LORD wants me to do and then come against every thing satan has planned for me then I continue thanking the Lord......... I also come against the desires of my flesh and command it to be inline with Gods will..... We need to make our time with God a Priority, when we do even when things go wrong we can handle it a lot better being in the mind set of God... I get in the enemies face and lethim know I am a child of the KING. Just in case he seemed to of satan has NO POWER over a child of God........ the only power satan has in ones life is what the person allows him to do........

Luke 10:19 tells me that We who know Jesus not know about but have a true relationship with Him....... God has given us POWER over ALL the enemy.

Got sooo much more I can get into here but got things to do...God Bless

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