Monday, 17 June 2013

Wet Paint.........But What Do Many Do? Touch it ....Why...

Wet Paint.........But What Do Many Do? Touch it ....Why...

Jesus says He is the way the Truth and the life, He tells us to cast all our cares at His feet, He says He will never leave nor forsake us, He tells us we have not because we ask not, He also encourages us when He says ask and we shall receive, knock it shall be opened unto us, seek ye shall find..... He tells us to follow Him, He tells us to denigh ourselves and take up the cross daily, He tells us to study His word, to seek His face, to put first the Kingdom of God, He tells us to Repent from our sins and become a new man. He also tells us to humble ourselves and pray, As a matter of fact He tells us a lot of things in His Word, We ALL have a choice to listen to Jesus and His Word or to reject it, He promises Great things to them who obey His Word and apply it.... He warns us of terrible things will happen to them who reject Him and His ways...... He talks of Blessing and cursing and shares examples of such in His Word. He is the same God asyesterday today and evermore.

He tells us the wages of sin equals hell, He warns us He is a jealous God, He will share His Glory with no other, He warns us of what will become of them who preach a different Gospel as He preached......He tells us not to be boastful and warns us that pride comes before a fall, He tells us of what is to come and what to expect in the future, He even shares with us His Love , His Mercy His Grace, and warns us of His anger, His wrath, He tells us of the greatness of Heaven a place He promises His children will go, A place Jesus even said to us He is preparing for us ,He also warns us of a hell a place of eternal torture for the wicked.... He promises He will return for His church and we shall be with Him forevermore, but warns many will be going to the lake of fire a place called hell, when jesus comes it will be  great to them who know Him but terrible to them who rejected Him as He warns of His wrath to come....

We as people seem to always have instinct to do things that oppose logic and common sense..... Wet paint sign....we touch it .....slow down.....many speed up.... we get told don't look at that....we look at it...... we get told the food is hot ..... we bite into it and burn our mouth....We know its stinks but yet we smell it.....Its too heavy but yet we try to lift it.....don't jump on that it will break.....what happens we jump on it and fall through....don't do that you'll get hurt.....then of course ignore the warning and get hurt...don't play with fire..... ouch got burned or started a fire........ don't put gas in that.....Ka-boom....Stop.....nah I can go a little more...Crash!!!!  We watch videos of stupid people doing stupid things and sit there and say what were they thinking.... When we as kids...and our kids get told to stop liping off or you'll be grounded....what happens we as kids continued and sometimes our kids do to....what happened gotpunished..... When we are warned something its like we think well it won;t happen to me..... if we are told not to do something, its like we ignore it, or just do the opposite"and do the very thing we are told not to, .........we have a natural born rebel within us it seems, and as we see the world and how most people are we can see that it is so evident, in the responses and the attitudes of many when faced with rules, authority, in some way or other its like the natural reaction is don't tell me what to do or not to do.... We as people can be pretty spiteful. Stubborn.......stupid..... but yet we are and intelligent being....hence why reverse phychology don't work....
people catch on to that.
A very few will learn from mistakes or actually grow up and mature out of the bad habits. But when it comes to serving God it seems like even Christians have a problem of half the stuff God wants and expects us to do, hence why all the different religions out there and the different ideas they preach what they figure is important and not important....hence why all the dead churches lacking the Spirit of God and the reason why in many churches spiritual gifts are not active.....but you see everything that Jesus said is important every word in the Bible is important, its not meant to take lightly or to pick and choose what suits us. Gods ways is Gods ways....And what He says He means and what He promises He promises and what He says He hates He hates......What He tells us not to do He actually means it, to the point that He warns us what will happen if we choose to continue doing those things. And His warnings are real..... But so is His Grace HisLove and His Mercy, To the point that He will forgive anyone during the day of Salvation.....We are in that day of Salvation now where we have His Grace,Mercy and Love. But He tells us we will reap what we sow.... There are consequences to our dis obedient actions...... kind of like when we tell our kids if they don't listen they will be punished.....We are always faced with choices and its what and how we decide to deal with them our decisions are totally up to us, each choice we make brings results good or bad.... God has giving us free will...... But that's not for us to just go and sin and enjoy sinning, its so those of us who Love God and want to Live for Him can do it by their own choice not because we are forced to obey we obey because we Love God, and benefit from Knowing that God who Loves us.

Jesus also tells us we will be hated for His names sake, He also says some will even be killed, because many will want to do harm to us who worship the God of the Bible. He tells us to be prepared for the times of tribulation, He tells us in His word we will go through tribulation, and shares with us what to look for to know the end is near. But promises we will not face His wrath, He promises us a place in Heaven and tells us He will come in the clouds and we will meet Him in the sky first the dead in Christ will rise and them which are alive will rise and meet Him. He even tells us not to believe in the lies that many will tell to convince people He is among them that He has come when He hasn't, Jesus warns us of the anti-christ who will come and fool many....He even tells us that these times must come as His Word says.

 His word tells us when Jesus does come every eye will see Him and know it is Him..... What a day a Glorious day that will be when we see Our Jesus coming. But a terrible day to them who made their self an enemy of the Most High God by living a life of sin and un righteousness.  Jesus tells us A lot in His Word, One of my favorite chapters in the Bible in Matthew 24, I encourage you to read it and catch what Jesus is saying in that chapter, many miss it all together and continue in believing a lie of the timing of the Rapture based off of commentaries and movies.....take a quick look at Matthew 24:29-31......This is the Word of God, Jesus himself telling us when He will be coming among the clouds....look at that verse 29 again it tells us Immediately "after" the tribulation...... A mis understanding by many is they confuse the great tribulation for Gods wrath......when they are two different things.

 There is so much more in scripture as we read that talks of His wrath, the tribulation and the rapture...... and if we study it all out we see scripture puts the order tribulation rapture then the wrath of God......many teach a pre trib view or a mid trib view and say tribulation is the wrath of God But it don't line up scripture teaches clearly no scripture twisting no commentary convincing but just Bible interpreting itself.....a post trib pre wrath view..... and many think its not important but Jesus tells us its so important that He tells us lots of times in His words even in parables I love Matthew 13 as well where Jesus speaks in parables talking of His coming as well Matthew 25 of the 10 virgins.......All of the book Joel is very actually the whole Bible is awesome......We are told to study the word of God ourselves to be approved by Him....We are told to beware of false teachings that will lead us astray.... warned not to follow traditions of man.....Jesus even said the very elect will be fooled.....but He also says His sheep will know His voice. How will we know His word if we don't study it as the Holy Spirit gives us all understanding...... How will we know Him personally and know His voice if we have no prayer life...... We need to know His Word so we won't be fooled by false doctrine we need to pray and talk with Him as we listen to Him as well to know His voice.....we need to know Him so we ain't fooled by one who claims he is christ with lying signs and wonders....

We need to get in Tune with the Spirit and walk in the Spirit to know the mind of God is to know Him personally to know Him personally we need a relationship with Him to have a relationship with Him we need to communicate with Him in order to communicate with Him we need to have a prayer Life..........Now do you see why so many battle with prayerlessness............because that's where it starts, satan does what ever he can to keep us so busy and distracted....... Two things satan hates...... a Christian who has a Prayer life and knows the Word of God satan will try to convince you as you study to believe what people teach no need to really study word and rely on the Holy Ghost,  just study what they teach no need to check it out ....... and satan when it comes to prayer get people to read prayers instead of relying on the Holy Ghost and will try to bring anything your way to hinder your time of prayer by distracting, or by circumstance or to busy no time ........Anyone can saythey are Christian but it takes a Child of God to Know Him and to know His Word..... Because prayer makes things happen and the knowledge of God's word strips satans power to deceive

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